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That's no moon; it's a podcast! Welcome to "The Nerds Podcast," where we delve deep into the realms of all things geeky and nerdy! Strap in for a hilarious journey through the worlds of movies, TV, and video games with your favorite nerdy hosts!

Aug 27, 2018

Episode 204: A Couple of Sh*tbags: Tyler starts off the episode by discussing his thoughts on the new Mister Rogers doc Won't You be My Neighbor? Pat talks about the new Matt Groening series Disenchantment. The Nerds then move on to their weekly comic book spotlight; Tyler: Cold Spots/Pat: Batman: Kings of Fear Tyler...

Aug 20, 2018

Episode 203: Real Estate Nerds You're Looking For: Tyler starts off the episode by discussing his experience playing Gloomhaven on Steam's "Tabletop." Pat talks about the new Peter Berg/Mark Wahlberg film Mile 22. The Nerds then move on to their weekly comic book spotlight; Tyler: Batman #53/Pat: Pearl. Tyler leads the...

Aug 13, 2018

Episode 202: Airing Dirty Laundry: Tyler starts off the episode by discussing the new DC animated film Death of Superman. Pat talks about the new installment of the EA Sports football franchise Madden 19. The Nerds then move on to their weekly comic book spotlight (Pat and Tyler actually talk bout the same title this...

Aug 6, 2018

Episode 201: Winnie the Poop: Tyler starts off the episode by discussing the new Sacha Baron Cohen series Who is America?. Pat talks about the new Bo Burnham film Eighth Grade. The Nerds then move on to their weekly comic book spotlight (Pat and Tyler actually talk bout the same title this week); Leviathan. Tyler leads...